The Zero Emission Forklift Rule has been in development with CARB and the final rule was published this past week. This rule is phasing out the use of propane forklifts in California and requiring the use of zero-emission engines (such as electric) instead. PineSpire has been following the rule-making closely and keeping our partners up-to-date on the latest changes throughout the process. This week, CARB released the final rule. We’ve summarized major updates for you below.
PS2, PineSpire and You
Your PS2 Dashboard Aligns With PineSpire Values
Our values as a company include being fully transparent to our customers in our mission to provide the very best revenue stream possible, the most accurate data and reporting, and presentation of opportunities to grow your program and fleet inventory. The PS2 Platform fits perfectly with our mission and perfectly with our clients’ operations!
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Your PS2 Dashboard is Your Customized Portal for LCFS/CFP Management
PineSpire’s PS2 Platform may not be as fun as “Play Station”…but it is the most revolutionary way to access, understand, and manage all things LCFS/CFP and EV Fleet efficacy. PineSpire has always provided our customers with reliable information and payments, and now with the new PS2 Platform, our customers have their own 24/7 access to their information.
Oregon Strengthens the Clean Fuels Program
The State of Oregon recently adopted updated to the Clean Fuels Program (CFP) which set the most ambitious Carbon Intensity reduction targets of any clean fuel standard in the U.S. or Canada.
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California’s Zero Emission Forklift Rule Updates
The Zero Emission Forklift Rule is currently in development, with CARB approval expected in 2023. This rule is phasing out the use of propane forklifts in California and requiring the use of Zero Emission engines (such as electric or hydrogen) instead. PineSpire is following the rulemaking closely and keeping our partners up-to-date on the latest changes. In July, CARB released the latest draft Rule. We’ve summarized major updates for you below.
CARB Proposes Updates to the LCFS Regulation
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) recently held a workshop for stakeholders in the Low Carbon Fuel Standard program. The presentation included the much-anticipated proposed updates to the Carbon Intensity standards in the program as well as a few new concepts. PineSpire has summarized two key proposed changes for you below.
Moonlight Companies Benefits from the LCFS Program

Moonlight Companies is in the heart of California’s San Joaquin Valley and specializes in sharing delicious fruits with the world. From peaches bursting with flavor to the juiciest mandarins we have ever tried and doing it all with sustainability in mind. Moonlight is constantly innovating on their operations, finding new ways to reduce cost and optimize production. This includes investing in energy, like solar and battery storage, as well as adopting new technologies to continually improve processes.
PineSpire wants to take this opportunity to highlight Moonlight Companies accomplishments as our March Client of the Month.
PineSpire recently had a chance to sit down with Moonlight to discuss the benefits of opting into California’s LCFS program (the Low Carbon Fuel Standard program). Here are the top uses of the revenue from the LCFS program:
- Offsetting the cost of charging EVs
- Funding new EV chargers for company cars as well as employees’ vehicles, a nice perk for the team.
- Hastening the Return on Investment of new electric equipment for their fleet
In addition to taking part of the LCFS program, Moonlight Companies is developing an electrification plan that works for their fleet. Examples of how they are evaluating, funding, and rolling out new EVs include:
- Participating in a pilot program with HummingbirdEV to test out fully Electric Refrigeration Trucks
- Leveraging funding from PG&E to install a new service dedicated to Heavy-Duty EV Charging
- Complying with current regulations for vehicles and material handling equipment
- Getting ahead on future proposed Zero Emission Air Quality Regulations
- Ty Tavlan, VP, is actively participating in industry workgroups to provide commercial perspective on both the Heavy-Duty Vehicle adoption and Regulatory fleet emission standards
To learn more about Moonlight Companies click here.
Reach out to PineSpire to talk about how your operation can benefit from the LCFS program and Fleet Planning today.
Goods Movement Program funds available for Electric Forklifts

The Bay Area Goods Movement Program has $20 million available in grant funding to replace diesel equipment with electric fueled equipment. Don’t miss out on a great opportunity for your equipment to be Zero-Emission Compliant before it is mandatory! The deadline to submit your application is Thursday, March 31st.
Eligible Applications include:
- Entities located in the BAAQMD (see below)
- Entities whose products or business are involved in Good Movement (manufacturing, warehousing, logistics)
- Replacement of Diesel cargo-handling equipment, transport refrigeration units, and rail-yard equipment
The Goods Movement Program was created to reduce diesel emissions and health risk from freight movement along California trade corridors as quickly as possible. The program is a partnership between CARB (the California Air Resources Board) and the BAAQMD (Bay Area Air Quality Management District) which includes Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, western portion of Solano, southern portion of Sonoma counties.
The program can be used to convert to electric forklifts, transport refrigeration units, rubber-tired gantry cranes, and other equipment. In addition to funding the equipment, the program can cover costs for associated new charging infrastructure.
When you decide to covert to an electric fleet now, you have the opportunity to receive grant funding, as well as become eligible to enroll in the LCFS (low carbon fuel standard) program. The LCFS program allows you to generate revenue each time you charge your electric equipment.
Additionally, electric equipment helps your operations stay in compliance with current and future regulations (like the proposed Zero Emission Forklift rule). Your bottom line will also benefit right away in reduced fuel costs and reduced maintenance costs.
To find out if your equipment is eligible for the Goods Movement Program, visit the Good Movement Program’s application page. Reach out to PineSpire to talk about your fleet strategy and making the most of these funding opportunities:
Come to the electric side!
PineSpire’s Growing Team
PineSpire rounded out 2021 with significant growth in our team. We are excited to share more information about our new members and their role in supporting customers and ensuring PineSpire continues to help more businesses benefit from electrification.
Desari Vallejos, Electrification Specialist: Desari goes the extra mile to ensures the job gets done and her customers receive the services they need. Using her expertise in electrification and battery technology, Desari finds energy solutions specifically tailored to each customer’s needs and opportunities. Desari’s background includes establishing long-term successful customer relationships, managing teams, and teaching others the skills they need to succeed.
Brennan Wiest, Regional Sales Manager: Brennan’s takes an advisory role with customers to help them navigate the complex world of energy credits. This includes providing education, carbon credit service, fleet inventory support, and planning opportunities. He has a diverse background in sales roles, as well as a bachelor’s in Marketing from California State University of San Bernardino.
Angela Quiterio, Sales Operations Analyst: Angela is responsible for ensuring PineSpire has clear communication with customers and reaches more businesses with carbon credit opportunities. As Sales Ops Analyst, Angela supports our sales team by providing easy-to-digest updates for customers about evolving regulations and new services. Angela has a background in marketing and a degree in Global Business and Marketing from Suffolk University.