The Zero Emission Forklift Rule has been in development with CARB and the final rule was published this past week. This rule is phasing out the use of propane forklifts in California and requiring the use of zero-emission engines (such as electric) instead. PineSpire has been following the rule-making closely and keeping our partners up-to-date on the latest changes throughout the process. This week, CARB released the final rule. We’ve summarized major updates for you below.
PS2, PineSpire and You
Your PS2 Dashboard Aligns With PineSpire Values
Our values as a company include being fully transparent to our customers in our mission to provide the very best revenue stream possible, the most accurate data and reporting, and presentation of opportunities to grow your program and fleet inventory. The PS2 Platform fits perfectly with our mission and perfectly with our clients’ operations!
Welcome to the PS2 Dashboard
Your PS2 Dashboard is Your Customized Portal for LCFS/CFP Management
PineSpire’s PS2 Platform may not be as fun as “Play Station”…but it is the most revolutionary way to access, understand, and manage all things LCFS/CFP and EV Fleet efficacy. PineSpire has always provided our customers with reliable information and payments, and now with the new PS2 Platform, our customers have their own 24/7 access to their information.
Introducing the Revolutionary PS2 Customer Platform
Access Your Information 24/7 – Full Transparency For The PineSpire Customer
California’s Zero Emission Forklift Rule Updates
The Zero Emission Forklift Rule is currently in development, with CARB approval expected in 2023. This rule is phasing out the use of propane forklifts in California and requiring the use of Zero Emission engines (such as electric or hydrogen) instead. PineSpire is following the rulemaking closely and keeping our partners up-to-date on the latest changes. In July, CARB released the latest draft Rule. We’ve summarized major updates for you below.
Electric Fleet Grant Opportunities
Now is a great time to look for Electric Vehicle, EV Charger, and Electric Forklift Incentives!
PineSpire recommends following these steps to identify the best opportunities for you:
PineSpire Joins CA Grocers
PineSpire is honored to become a member of the California Grocers Association.

CA Grocers supports a grocery industry that nourishes the nation’s most populous state. CA Grocers membership program connects the grocery industry to each other and to resources, like PineSpire, available to assist in creating a thriving industry. Through networking, education, and outreach, PineSpire is looking forward to becoming an integral part of the California Grocers Association’s sustainability efforts through Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) management and revenue generation, alerting members to grant opportunities and providing consulting on EV Fleet, Equipment and Charging initiatives.
PineSpire Featured in MHN
PineSpire and our own Patrick Dawson were featured in an online article published by the Material Handling Network….
Here’s a snippet of the full article below:
One company providing a nontraditional, but vital kind of support to industrial and commercial companies and municipalities is Durango, Colo.-based PineSpire. They may not provide the forklifts that move massive amounts of product, but they will help you find revenue streams to purchase electric forklifts, yard goats, and yard semis.
PineSpire Co-Founder Patrick Dawson said they specifically provide turnkey services to California companies navigating the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) standards and Oregon firms required to comply with the Clean Fuels Program (CFP).
“It’s a way for them to gain efficiency by letting us take care of what we say is the process from registration to revenue,” Dawson said.

The California and Oregon programs are designed to decrease the carbon intensity of transportation fuels used there and provide an increasing range of low-carbon and renewable alternatives. That applies to everything from city plows to company forklifts.
Among the many layers of the programs are grants and incentives provided to those who meet the standards. Yet many materials-handling firms and other companies likely don’t have the time or staff to undertake what can amount to a full-time job just understanding the nuances of the laws, Dawson said.
Read moreThe Future of Transportation In California
The Future of Transportation in California: Zero Emission Vehicles, Truck Refrigeration Units and LCFS Credits
Free Webinar: Thursday, October 21, 2021 – 10am – 11:30 am PST. Register Now!
Join Ryan Huggins, PineSpire Co-Founder, along with panelists from the California Air Resources Board and SoCalGas to get comprehensive expertise about the many aspects of Electrification. CARB will focus on Zero-Emission Truck Refrigeration Units while SoCalGas will provide insights based on their first-hand experience of converting their vehicle fleet to electric and hydrogen. PineSpire will provide information on the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) program and how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together. The webinar is hosted by the Emerging Technologies Coordinating Council on Thursday, October 21st, 10am-11:30am (PST). CLICK HERE to REGISTER for this free educational webinar.
Learn how to create and monetize LCFS credits; Explore the value of LCFS credits for different vehicle classes and use-cases; learn how to use fleet data to benefit regulatory compliance, LCFS revenue, and budgeting decisions; ask questions with experts on Air Quality regulations; and hear how one large company has implemented zero-emissions in their fleet.
The Latest On CARB’s Zero Emission Forklift Requirements
You know about California’s policies to phase out gasoline powered cars and trucks, but did you know forklifts are also included in this plan? As part of Executive Order N-79-20 to transition California to zero emission vehicles, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) is tasked with creating rules to transition all California forklifts to Zero Emission Forklifts.
While we know regulations are no one’s favorite topic, we want to be sure our partners aren’t caught off-guard when the new rules come into place. And more importantly that our partners are getting the LCFS revenue that comes with converting more of your fleet to Zero-Emission (i.e. Electric) Forklifts.
To help you stay current, PineSpire has boiled down the most recent updates from CARB’s August 17th webinar on the draft Zero-Emission Forklift rule.
What counts as Zero-Emission:
This regulation is targeting zero tailpipe emissions, which in practical terms requires using an electric forklift powered by a battery or a fuel-cell.
The Regulation is phasing out Internal Combustion (IC) forklifts that run off of diesel, gasoline or propane
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