California’s e-Voucher Incentive Program (eVIP) still has funds available for Level 2 chargers! With today’s gas prices, there has never been a better time to go Electric. If you are installing an EV charger for commercial or public use, this simple program available to reduce your costs.
Goods Movement Program funds available for Electric Forklifts

The Bay Area Goods Movement Program has $20 million available in grant funding to replace diesel equipment with electric fueled equipment. Don’t miss out on a great opportunity for your equipment to be Zero-Emission Compliant before it is mandatory! The deadline to submit your application is Thursday, March 31st.
Eligible Applications include:
- Entities located in the BAAQMD (see below)
- Entities whose products or business are involved in Good Movement (manufacturing, warehousing, logistics)
- Replacement of Diesel cargo-handling equipment, transport refrigeration units, and rail-yard equipment
The Goods Movement Program was created to reduce diesel emissions and health risk from freight movement along California trade corridors as quickly as possible. The program is a partnership between CARB (the California Air Resources Board) and the BAAQMD (Bay Area Air Quality Management District) which includes Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, western portion of Solano, southern portion of Sonoma counties.
The program can be used to convert to electric forklifts, transport refrigeration units, rubber-tired gantry cranes, and other equipment. In addition to funding the equipment, the program can cover costs for associated new charging infrastructure.
When you decide to covert to an electric fleet now, you have the opportunity to receive grant funding, as well as become eligible to enroll in the LCFS (low carbon fuel standard) program. The LCFS program allows you to generate revenue each time you charge your electric equipment.
Additionally, electric equipment helps your operations stay in compliance with current and future regulations (like the proposed Zero Emission Forklift rule). Your bottom line will also benefit right away in reduced fuel costs and reduced maintenance costs.
To find out if your equipment is eligible for the Goods Movement Program, visit the Good Movement Program’s application page. Reach out to PineSpire to talk about your fleet strategy and making the most of these funding opportunities:
Come to the electric side!
PineSpire Joins CA Grocers
PineSpire is honored to become a member of the California Grocers Association.

CA Grocers supports a grocery industry that nourishes the nation’s most populous state. CA Grocers membership program connects the grocery industry to each other and to resources, like PineSpire, available to assist in creating a thriving industry. Through networking, education, and outreach, PineSpire is looking forward to becoming an integral part of the California Grocers Association’s sustainability efforts through Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) management and revenue generation, alerting members to grant opportunities and providing consulting on EV Fleet, Equipment and Charging initiatives.
FREE WEBINAR: Sept. 2210-11:30am (PST)
Center for Sustainable Energy: Turn EV Charging into Dollars with LCFS
Join Ryan Huggins, PineSpire Co-Founder, for an educational presentation on the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) program on Wednesday, September 22nd, 10am-11:30am (PST). PineSpire, The City of Santa Cruz, and The San Diego Regional Clean Cities Coalition have partnered to present this webinar to teach attendees how to select LCFS service providers, create and monetize LCFS credits, and share information about grants and funding. CLICK HERE to REGISTER for this free educational webinar.
Learn how to create and monetize LCFS credits; learn the importance of real-time data to assist in present and future decisions; learn how
Electrify Your Yard Goat – Funding Available!
Yard Goats can eat up a lot of time and resources keeping old diesel engines in compliance with tightening air quality regulations. Valley Air has grant funding currently available to solve that problem. With Valley Air’s current Truck Replacement Grant, you can apply for grant funding of up to $200,000 for a new all-electric yard goat.
Moving to a zero-emission all-electric yard goat will get you out of the cycle of air quality mitigation and reporting and back to focusing on your operations. The all-electric vehicles, available from several manufacturers, are easy to operate, lower fuel and maintenance cost, and most importantly create revenue from vehicle charging credits in CARB’s LCFS program every time you use them. PineSpire has many customers already operating these heavy-duty EVs and earning LCFS credits.
Things to know:
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