California’s e-Voucher Incentive Program (eVIP) still has funds available for Level 2 chargers! With today’s gas prices, there has never been a better time to go Electric. If you are installing an EV charger for commercial or public use, this simple program available to reduce your costs.
e-VIP funds 75% of Project Costs or up to $3,500 per EV Charger
Project Costs eligible for funding include:
- Hardware (i.e. the Charger Equipment)
- Installation (such as electrician services)
- Permitting from your local government agency
Funds are allocated on a first-come-first served basis and are still available in the following Counties for Level 2 chargers. Funding for DC Fast Chargers is expected to re-open state-wide in 2023.
Counties with funding available as of June 2022: Alameda, Butte, El Dorado, Fresno, Humboldt, Humboldt, Kern, Kings, Merced, Napa, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, San Benito , San Joaquin, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Shasta, Solano, Stanislaus, Sutter, Tehama, Tulare, Ventura, and Yolo.
Reach out to PineSpire if you’d like assistance in pursuing funding or understanding how EV charging can add to your bottom line.