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Metering Changes to Oregon’s Clean Fuels Program (CFP)

The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has recently announced changes to the Clean Fuels Program (CFP) that will require meters on forklifts to participate in the program. These changes will go into effect in Q4-23 and are part of an effort to improve energy use reporting. If you are currently participating in the CFP or have signed up for rebates, it is important to be aware of these changes.

Benefits of the Clean Fuels Program

The CFP was created to reduce carbon emissions from transportation fuels in Oregon. It incentivizes the use of cleaner fuels and technologies, such as electric vehicles, biofuels, and natural gas. By participating in the program, businesses can reduce their carbon footprint and improve air quality in the state.

How PineSpire Can Help

If your current CFP provider is pulling out of Oregon due to the recent changes in energy use reporting, PineSpire is here to help. We are committed to ensuring that all of our Oregon customers have a smooth transition during the DEQ’s policy changes. We offer seamless options for energy reporting that are in accordance with the new guidelines and guarantee that you will still receive quarterly checks on time.

We encourage you to reach out to us to discuss PineSpire’s ongoing commitment to the CFP program and how we can help your business navigate these changes. We understand that this can be an unsettling time, but we are here to be your partner in participating in the CFP program.


The changes to the CFP’s energy use reporting method may seem daunting, but they are necessary for improving the program and reducing carbon emissions in Oregon. By working with PineSpire, businesses can ensure a smooth transition and continue to participate in the program with confidence. We look forward to helping you navigate these changes and being your partner in creating a cleaner, more sustainable future for Oregon.

If you have any questions or would like to schedule a call with us, please click here.